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mads1997's spring 2010 schedule for week 19

Monday 10 May. Tuesday 11 May. Wednesday 12 May. Thursday 13 May. Friday 14 May.
08:15 - 09:00
09:15 - 10:00
10:15 - 11:00
11:15 - 12:00
12:15 - 13:00
13:15 - 14:00
14:15 - 15:00
15:15 - 16:00
16:15 - 17:00
17:15 - 18:00
18:15 - 19:00
19:15 - 20:00

Weeks: All Current 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Lecture list

Course Day Time Rooms Type Groups Weeks
exphil Monday 10:15-12:00 F1 Forelesning MTNANO, MTING, MTMART, MTBYGG, MTENERG, MTPETR, MTTEKGEO, MLREAL, MLSPRÅK 3-12, 14-16
exphil Thursday 10:15-12:00 R1 Forelesning MTNANO, MTING, MTMART, MTBYGG, MTENERG, MTPETR, MTTEKGEO, MLREAL, MLSPRÅK 3-12, 14-16
exphil Wednesday 14:15-16:00 R10 Øving MTING, MTBYGG 9-12, 14-16
programmering Tuesday 14:15-16:00 F1 Forelesning MTDT, MTIØT, MTKOM, BIT, BMAT, MTNANO, MTING, MLREAL, MMEDIE, ÅIT 2-12, 15-17
programmering Wednesday 16:15-18:00 F1 Øving MTDT, MTIØT, MTKOM, BIT, BMAT, MTNANO, MTING, MLREAL, MMEDIE, ÅIT 2-12, 14-16
programmering Friday 10:15-12:00 F1 Forelesning MTDT, MTIØT, MTKOM, BIT, BMAT, MTNANO, MTING, MLREAL, MMEDIE, ÅIT 2-12, 14-16
mek1 Tuesday 08:15-10:00 S2 Forelesning MTING, MTBYGG, BGEOL 2-12, 15-17
mek1 Wednesday 12:15-14:00 S3 Forelesning MTING, MTBYGG, BGEOL 2-12, 14-16
mek1 Thursday 14:15-16:00 S2 Øving MTING, MTBYGG, BGEOL 2-12, 14-16
mek1 Friday 08:15-10:00 R1 Øving MTEL, MTIØT, MTMT, MTDESIG, MTING, MTPROD, MTBYGG, BGEOL, MIEL 2-12, 14-16
mat2 Wednesday 10:15-12:00 R7 Forelesning MTING, MTBYGG 2-12, 14-16
mat2 Thursday 12:15-14:00 R1 Forelesning MTING, MTBYGG 2-12, 14-16
mat2 Friday 12:15-14:00 KJL22, KJL23 Øving MTING 2-12, 14-16

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Course Alias Description Syllabus Exams
EXPH0001 exphil Filosofi og vitenskapsteori - 2010-05-29
TDT4100 programmering Objektorientert programmering - 2010-05-22
TKT4116 mek1 Mekanikk 1 - 2010-06-02
TMA4105 mat2 Matematikk 2 - 2010-05-21

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