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Timetable generator for NTNU students

Getting started

To retrieve your timetable simply enter the same identifier you used last time.

Statistics fall 2022

Total number of unique timetables 12371
Total number of unique courses added 1568

Top 10 courses fall 2022

1460 TDT4110
1299 TMA4100
1148 EXPH0300
793 TMA4240
634 TDT4120
631 TMA4130
614 TMA4110
589 TDT4160
542 TIØ4252
480 TMA4140

All lecture times and course data have been automatically retrieved from NTNU. This data may not reflect the actual lecture times due to changes or erroneous imports. The service is provided as is, please ensure that the data is correct before relying on it.

Code and design © 2008-2024 Thomas Adamcik. This site has no official affiliation with NTNU.

The source code is freely available under the Affero General Public License at
Built using: PythonDjangoYahoo! UI LibraryFont AwesomeColorBrewer

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